Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
oh! yaar next week is survivor series!
the 3 big matches are:
hhh vs. goldberg II team austin (HBK, RVD, BOOKER T, and the DUDLEY BOYZ) vs. team bishoff (SCOTT STEINER, JERICHO, CHRISTIAN, MARK HENRY AND RANDY ORTON) and vince vs. undertaker in a buried alive match!!!
and whats more: the old undertaker is coming back! the deadman! at survivor series, vince will win (he'll burry undertaker). then 2 months later at wrestlemania, the undertaker will return as the 'deadman'!!! cool na?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
definately, i'm fastin' yaar! they're goin' good so far! can't wait till eid!
as 4 fakhir...couldn't have said it better myself! so what if he's short?! he's got skill and thats what counts. nusrat wasn't exactly a GQ model, but he had MAJOR respect from EVERYONE for his TALENT! and same with saima! lol. hai ke nahi?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
right again! its common sense really...history shows that empries are made 2 fall. the united states is no different. it may not happend in our lifetime, but rest assure the seeds have been planted for this juggernaut (U.S)2 come back down 2 earth, and we're witnessing THIS.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
good 4 u! sociology is 4 those who want 2 go into such a field. if not...stay away! lol. we were expected 2 read 225 pgs in one week?! i told the professor: buddy....i have a life and other courses 2! u expect us 2 read ALL this, 4 real?! he said yes, and i said, CHAO, buddy! that was one of many reasons i dropped it! anyhow, i'm sorry slik chick! i was just letting off some steam there. lol.
as 4 the chicken: lesson learned! lol.
as 4 eid...i wish i could go 2 pk yaar! but it doesn't look like that'll happend, atleast this eid. so i guess my eid will be spent waking up, eating dood and saveeyan's, then namaaz at the masjid, and then a day at home with family/friends, watching ptv prime and the eid specials they show! hopefully they'll air a concert like they did last year! how abt u? what r u're plans?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
i agree with slik chick (well-stated, your last message!)and t.o. raps, and whoever else says we SHOULD NOT SEND TROOPS.
i look at it like this: its the u.s's problem...they should deal with it. until i see some weapons of mass destruction...pakistan and every other country should sit tight and watch the united states clean their own mess.
as 4 mr. death saying the u.s rules and everyone should follow...WRONG, yaar! the way i see it...the u.s is the powerhouse it is cause it did the opposite of what u're went it's OWN way at some point and became what it is 2day.
rome was conquered as was the ottoman empire. russians had a revolution of their own. hell even india/pakistan rid themselves of the british. as such the u.s is enjoying its reign of world domination while it lasts. but rest assure, if history has taught us anything - its that some country will knock 'em off this petistle....some day. and they'll do it by being DIFFERENT, not wannabes.
possible suspects u ask?! a united india/pakistan (a combined nuclear POWERHOUSE), a united Arab world, or maybe even north korea?! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
slik chik said:
nothin much nfak, juss same ol same ol, goin to uni, goin home very late havin sum food, watch a bit of telly n then off to bed! lolz, dats it, wat bout u?
same here! same routine day in day out. lol. altho i dropped 1 of my courses, and lemme tell u...what a freakin' load off my shoulders! just a suggestion slik chick....never take sociology. LOL.
the other day i had leftover fried chicken (popyes (not sure if ya'll get it in ireland?!)) at sehri. word 2 the wize...don't eat fried chicken complete with hot sauce at sehri. LOL. i learned that the hard way. my entire day was screwed! just like the roti..the chicken sat smack in the middle of my stomach and chest, not comin' up, or goin down. LOL. then at rosa openning, after i had a pakora or digested. lol. what a day!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
oh yaar charizmatic, where did u hear this (javaid sheikh interview)?! very interesting.
i think sayed noor is the absolute best that pakistan has. 2 make a punjabi movie which shatters box office records...this takes some skill. and sayed noor did it with chooriyan!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
oh le. u see mr. death?! it was all a misunderstanding. this guy isn't the guy we were talkin' abt. this one probably IS indian. he's not sajjad ali's brother.
so u think he's the best eh?! never heard him. lol. sorry!